6.3.18, Adventure Awaits, Intern Minister Connie Simon

Spring is often a time of transition.  The season is filled with weddings, graduations, life changes and the promise of new adventures.  This Sunday, we celebrate the baby dedication of Soleil Sanders and Intern Minister Connie Simon’s last Sunday in the USG pulpit.

5.27.18, Light and Shadow: Stories from St. Elizabeth’s, Rev. McKinley Sims

Kin will talk about doing justice work in D.C. and working in the psych ward at St. Elizabeth’s and how these places offer us a glimpse of our shadows and our lights, psychological parts of our ego. We have to engage both, and reckon with our shadows as individuals, as a society, and as UU culture to truly get close to justice making.

3.25.18, Passover: Parting the Waters, Intern Minister Connie Simon

Thirsty to the point of delusion. Hungry beyond pain. Moses and the Israelites have been fleeing Pharaoh’s troops, fighting amongst themselves and running out of hope. Now they have to cross this body of water! Even when the odds seems quite impossible they take the first step – again – in the journey to secure freedom.  How are you doing on your journey to freedom?

5.20.18, A Radiant Gem of Inestimable Worth: USG Elders Celebrate Aging

The Exploring Elderhood program and all USG Elders (a self-designated title) will share the joys, sorrows, insights, and many other facets of this Gem we call Aging. The service will be adapted to express some unique ways of sharing the Elder experience with our whole community and will include music, poems, readings and songs to present the many ways that Elderhood can be spelled and lived. All ages welcome, come on in, the water’s fine!

5.13.18, Memories Shaping Us: Intergenerational Worship Rev. Kent Matthies, Jason Bender and Mark Daugherty

Albert Schweitzer said, “Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.”  Helen Keller said, “So long as memory of beloved friends live in my heart, I shall say that life is good.”   Both comments contain some reality and wisdom.  Come together on Mother’s Day weekend to honor memories of mothers and the ways in which memories shape us.  With spiritual intention we can actually have an impact on how memories bring more integrity, health and joy to our lives.

4.29.18, That’s What Friends Are For, Rev. Kent Matthies

We may enjoy our Facebook “friends.” However, we long for more than social media connections. One of the best reasons to come to church is to make spiritual friends.  With flickers of hope for making a spiritual connection, we encounter others; over time we kindle long burning flames of lasting friendships, with accompanying well being, love and hope. Bring a friend of yours to this worship focusing on friendship.

4.22.18, Our Transforming Climate, Rev. Alison Cornish

As the Earth’s climate continues to change in both subtle and dramatic ways, our species is being challenged to transform as well. Unitarian Universalism can help us with this change – if we dig deep into our tradition and engage in everyday spiritual practices. Join us for this exploration of the power of a faith-rooted response to climate change.

4.15.18, Church Goers Live Longer and Better Lives, Rev. Kent Matthies

You don’t have to believe me. I am a biased Minister. In 2016, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a report based on over 74,000 women which documented life quantity and quality increase with regular religious community attendance. Unitarian Universalism and USG save lives and multiply blessings. Shouldn’t we be generously dedicated (including financially) to supporting USG? Come out to joyfully celebrate Pledge Sunday! Rescheduled from the snow closure. Will be followed by the Stewardship Lunch.