6.19.19, Father’s Day: He for She, Rev. Kent Matthies

6.16.19, Father’s Day: He for She, Rev. Kent Matthies

Let’s celebrate fatherhood and fathers. Let’s celebrate efforts of love, support, humility, and sacrifice that fathers – imperfect as they are – have made for children, family and community. Let’s ALSO explore how men around the world are increasing commitments to create a world where females have safety, equality and justice. Efforts like the HeforShe Campaign raise consciousness and spiritual growth for all – including dads.

6.2.19, CSD Sunday: The Beauty of Belonging, DSD Ryan Hurd and the CSD Committee

What does it mean to find the beauty of belonging? Join us for our annual Child Spiritual Development Sunday service, in which our children, youth and Sunday teachers will be honored as we explore the vital role of building beloved community across the generations. This special multigenerational service is organized by the CSD Committee and Director of Spiritual Development Ryan Hurd.

5.26.19, Perspectives on Curiosity

Unitarian Universalists are naturally curious people. We want to know how things work and why; we wonder what’s around that corner – something which we can’t quite see but know is there. For most of us, that’s how we arrived on the church’s doorstep. We were curious about this unusual religion and what it meant. Curiosity is, for some of us, the cornerstone of life. For others, it only takes us so far, with mystery and the unknowable trumping our innate curiosity. Hear four members of the congregation discuss their perspectives on curiosity and what it means for their own lives and the life of the church.

5.19.19, To Go Far, Go Together, Rev. Kent Matthies and members of the Board of Trustees

There is an African saying that fits the soul of this church so well:
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”

This community has come far over the last 150+ years.
Today we celebrate journeying together and highlight the leadership of this year’s Congregational Awards recipients.

5.5.19, Think Differently: Parenting, Rev. Kent Matthies

We human beings – and other animals – can get stuck in patterns of behavior. The free thinking church creates an environment to engage important topics with open minded curiosity. Parenting philosophies often differ on how to approach a multitude of issues involving offspring of every age. Is it good to have a newborn sleep in bed with the parents, or not? While supporting adult children where is the line between healthy support and unhealthy enabling? Heaven knows that for all these issues we need one another as we try to do our best.

4.28.19, Beltane: The Celtic Fire Festival

Come celebrate Beltane (May Day) with the EarthSpirit Circle. Beltane is the anglicized name for the Gaelic May Day festival, which is an ancient Celtic fire festival. It honors life and celebrates Summer and the energy of the Earth. Dancing of the Maypole will occur after the service.

4.21.19, Easter Sunday: Resurrection IS Happening! Rev. Kent Matthies

Three days after his murder, they rolled away the stone and found an empty tomb.  Jesus may or may not have risen and walked out of the tomb to return to us. What we are more certain of is that Easter calls us to celebrate that powerful, important and miraculous resurrections ARE happening right now. In your life and in the larger world, what are the tangible ways in which hope is growing out of despair?

4.14.19, Building Wholeness with Right Relations, Rev. Kent Matthies

Did you know our congregation has a covenant of right relations? Yes, we do! Our diverse, spiritually vibrant congregation has made sacred promises to specific ways of being with one another.  These include:

-Express gratitude for the efforts of others, particularly those who volunteer.

-Ask for help when needed and give help as able.

-Listen, with an open heart, to fully appreciate another’s point of view.

-Approach disagreements and conflicts constructively, communicating with others in a direct, caring and responsible manner.

Come explore how these ways of being can help us – as individuals and community – to achieve wholeness and our greatest potential in body, mind and spirit.