We learn from the painful experiences in life to avoid emotional hurt and shame. We learn to protect ourselves by remaining closed to sharing the whole of our selves with others. But, what if vulnerability is a key to unlocking the fullness of life? How do we find the courage to live with our whole […]
Category Archives: Sermons
Singing the Blues, Rev. Kent Matthies
Do you wish that the cold, short days of winter would go away? Are you pining for more time spent outside in warm sunshine? Do you have the blues? Part of a healthy spiritual life is to accept that we all hit bumps in the road. Many times we need support and courage to sing […]
Refulgent God, Rev. Kent Matthies
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “God has given to all. The spirit of God is a transcendent, infallible guide.” This God manifests through listening to our souls. This God also takes shape through all the glories and mysteries of nature. From the miracle of the first cells of sludge coming out of the waters and becoming land animals, to sperm […]
The Other “U”, Joan Javier- Duval, Intern Minister
“Give them not Hell, but hope and courage.” Universalist John Murray’s famous words encapsulate the essential message of early Universalism, and Universalists have continued to this day to proclaim a belief in a God of limitless love. How does the “good news” of Universalism inform the living of our Unitarian Universalist faith in our times? […]
Being Well in Beloved Community, Board President Tom Ott
The concept of community can become so well worn that it is taken for granted as a social phenomenon and, perhaps, hardly considered spiritually. Recently, as the result of much work and discussion, USG was presented with an elegantly written statement of what community can mean to our religious Society. The document combined with a […]
Remember Trayvon Martin: Dr. King Sunday, Rev. Kent Matthies
It was less than one year ago when 17 year old Trayvon Martin was tragically and fatally shot dead. This violence happened within a landscape author Michelle Alexander has prophetically labeled “The New Jim Crow”. We have a raging prison-industrial complex, public school systems like ours in Philadelphia gasping for breath, and a multitude of […]
Be Still and Know Compassion, Joan Javier-Duval, Intern Minister
The practice of mindfulness calls us to pay attention to and embrace what is and who we are now. Self-acceptance, however, does not come easily for most of us. As we begin again a new year, how can we mindfully cultivate deeper compassion for self and for the world?
Beloved Community: 2012 in Review, Anaiis Salles
Anaiis will explore Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s definition of beloved community and events in 2012 in which this beloved community perspective may be a deepening call and response process for UUs.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Rev. Kent Matthies, Joan Javier-Duval , Mark Daugherty and USG Choir
Making Room for the Holy Finally, the sacred child was born. As we know the stories leading up to the birth weren’t that easy. It rarely ever is. Every night a child is born is a holy night. Every day we have a chance to make space for the holy in our lives.
Kwanzaa with Rev. Kent Matthies, Queen Nur, & Abayomi Awodesu
We will have a joyous time lighting candles, telling stories, and moving to the beats of African drumming. Queen Nur and Abayomi Awodesu, two superb story tellers will bring us on journeys not to be missed! We will celebrate the principles of Kwanzaa: unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith.