Whether you believe in the literal resurrection of Jesus, or not, Easter provides a powerful truth about the possibility of rising again. Loss, pain and agony quite often subside and make way for resurrections both small and big. How can we move our doubts and skepticism out of the way and let grace happen?
Category Archives: Sermons
4.13.14, Passover & Easter: Guides for Healthy Self-Esteem, Rev. Stephen Shick
Dayenu (“it would have been enough”) is a song that is part of the Jewish holiday of Passover. Jesus Christ Has Risen Today is a Christian Easter hymn. These songs and other element of these two powerful religious holidays can guide us to a healthy, balanced, and life giving self-esteem. To sing “it would have been enough,” for […]
4.6.14, I Myself am Good Fortune, Rev. Kent Matthies
This line from a Walt Whitman poem, “Song of the Open Road” speaks to the value of healthy self-esteem. What happens when our self-esteem gets too small? We don’t believe we are good fortune. What happens when our ego gets too big? We think we are better than others and forget they too are good […]
3.30.14, Letter to the Pope, Rev. Kent Matthies
Pope Francis is the most exciting and hope inspiring new religious leader on the international stage in decades. Every person of faith and goodwill has an opportunity to cherish Pope Francis’ gift of hope and deep faith. I will preach my letter to the Pope thanking him for inviting all of us to a more […]
3.23.14, The New Underground Railroad, J. Jondhi Harrell
With Music by Raji Malik, farond soloist (an Indian sitar-like instrument) J. Jondhi Harrell will share the similarities he sees between the mass incarceration of today and the system of slavery that existed in the past. Then the Underground Railroad led former slaves not only to freedom but to a new way of life. He […]
3.16.14, Do What You Can, Rev. Kent Matthies
The great Unitarian Minister Forrest Church offered an exceptional mantra for daily life: Want what you have, Do what you can, Be who you are. Today we celebrate USG ministries and programs, of which we all play a part. We all play a critical role in financially supporting the life of this congregation. Do What […]
3.9.14, A Plentiful Heart, Joan Javier-Duval
We often get caught in a mindset of scarcity: There is not enough. Not enough time. Not enough money. Not enough justice. Not enough compassion. How can we instead open our hearts to the abundance in our lives and in the world and become more generous of spirit?
3.2.14, Are You Kidding Me? Rev. Kent Matthies
Intense, winter weather has brought many surprises and problems this year. The day-to-day changes have drilled in the truth that many times we don’t control very much. Many times we are best off when we just surrender. How do you go with the flow, accept (even the unacceptable) and find peace?
2.9.14, Space for the Soul, Consulting Minister Joan Javier-Duval
The richness of life comes from both our connection to others and our connection to our own selves. Our relationships can bring us great joy and yet these connections can also pull us away from the solitude that puts us in relationship with our inner companion. How do we balance these two important spiritual needs […]
2.2.14, The Pain and the Glory, Rev. Kent Matthies
The spiritual theme of the month of February is Solitude. The great theologian Paul Tillich wrote, “Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the word “loneliness” to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word “solitude” to express the glory of being alone.” In our […]