11.1.15, Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead, Revs. Kent Matthies and Daniel Gregoire with Mariachi Maya

Come hear the superb Mariachi Maya band with guitars, trumpet and great vocal renditions of Mexican ballads. Come to this happy celebration and reunion with memories of your deceased loved ones! For our 150th Anniversary we will also specifically honor past members of our church. Bring a photo of a deceased loved one to place […]

11.18.15, World Citizenship, Rev. Kent Matthies

As the US Presidential campaigns heat up, we all are called to consider America’s place in the world.  Eighteenth century German philosopher Immanuel Kant said, “the greatest problem for the human species, the solution of which nature compels him to seek, is that of attaining a civil society, which can administer justice universally.”  Ever since […]

10.11.15, What’s Next? Reverend Richard Fernandez

Recently, Rev. Kent Matthies initiated the celebration of the 150th birthday of the Unitarian Society of Germantown, highlighting some the extraordinary ways people have lived out the mission of our church, in the past.  Reverend Dick Fernandez will look toward the future. What are the hopes, challenges, and opportunities that lie ahead?  What is needed to […]

8.23.15, Real Food for Real People, Rev. Kent Matthies

Eating is essential to life.  In our modern multi-national economies it has become increasingly difficult to live our ethical values.  For example; how do we justify importing fruit from Chile, South America that require great amounts of fuel to transport, hence hurting the environment?  How do we deal with pesticides and unhealthy agricultural growth hormones, […]