6.26.16, God and Guns, Rev. Katie Day

People of different faith traditions have vastly different practices and beliefs about guns.  How does one religious group come to arm themselves and another to disarm? How does your faith help you to understand this most critical social issue?   Katie Day is a long time resident of Mt. Airy and a faculty member at […]

7.10.16, The Cleopatra Connection, Andrea Durham

The Cleopatra Connection is a self empowerment tool that uses the life of the Pharaoh Cleopatra as a guide to overcoming challenges and creating personal success. Her imagination and resilience are key reasons we remember her today. This is an opportunity to be inspired and encouraged by the life of this incredible person. Andrea Durham is an attorney […]

5.29.16, SUNDAY WORSHIP: Hope Springs Eternal, Jenn Leiby

The gray skies and bitter cold of winter seem like a memory now that the trees are alive with color and warm breezes. Our world is fresh and new again, the Spring season faithfully bringing promise of easier days. Just as promising, we can turn to our Unitarian Universalist faith to help us through our own personal winters to the hopeful warmth […]

4.24.16, Back to the Future, Rev. Bill Gardiner

In this current moment of environmental, economic, and political crisis we can look back at the 150 year history of USG for clues to how we can respond today with spiritual resources, resilience, and adaptabiity as we move toward the future. The Rev. Bill Gardiner served as a minister at the Unitarian Society of Germantown […]

4.17.16, Breaking the Code, Rev. Kent Matthies

Part II of the sermon series on the book “Blindspot.”  We are porous beings soaking up the cultural attitudes in our environment.  How do we become more aware of our preconceived notions and do better in changing how they impact our behaviors?  How do we break the code and actually start using stereotypes for the […]