9.17.17, Coming back to…Rev Kent Matthies

One of the most enriching elements of Kent’s sabbatical was learning about and practicing mindfulness, commonly defined as “paying attention to the present, without rejecting or attaching”.  He will share some of his experiences, which include the simple, but powerful truth that he can always come back to his breath. You can too.

8.13.17, Mind the (Divine) Gap, Charles Gabriel

God is found in that narrow space where our human relationships elevate our human experience into a spiritual experience. Judeo/Christian scripture, as well as other religious sources, teaches us how to maximize this experience by expanding our relationships into caring for others in need.Charles joined USG in 2004 and has held many leadership positions.

8.6.17, Coming Clean, Rev. Lee Paczulla

Spirituality isn’t about being perfect, it’s about being honest so we can know the true power of grace and love in our lives. Spiritual practices can help us “come clean” and live more intentionally – awake and aware to what’s really happening, within us and around us. Rev. Lee serves the WellSprings congregation.

7.23.17, People Get Ready, Davy Knittle

Our lives continuously pivot at the meeting point of our experience of selfhood and the regular transformation of the contexts in which selfhood develops. Unitarian Universalism celebrates our lives as periods of constant change. How can our commitment to change spur us through uncertainty toward active and deliberate participation? Davy grew up at USG and joined in 2005.

7.16.17, Poems: A Retrospective

Peter will read a number of his poems written over the past 35 years. He has been a member of the Unitarian Society of Germantown since 1973, when he, his wife, Marny and their children, moved to Philadelphia from England. He has worked at Temple University School of Medicine as a physician and scientist.