10.11.15, What’s Next? Reverend Richard Fernandez

Recently, Rev. Kent Matthies initiated the celebration of the 150th birthday of the Unitarian Society of Germantown, highlighting some the extraordinary ways people have lived out the mission of our church, in the past.  Reverend Dick Fernandez will look toward the future. What are the hopes, challenges, and opportunities that lie ahead?  What is needed to fashion a new day for these challenging times, inside our spiritual community and beyond its walls?


Reverend Richard R. Fernandez is a minister in the United Church of Christ and until 2002, served for 22 years as the Executive Director of the Northwest Interfaith Movement (NIM). In 2004 he was among a small group of eight that founded the now flourishing Philadelphia Interfaith Center. Dick has also served as a consultant to congregations and nonprofits these past years and is active on a number of nonprofit boards.

Before coming to NIM he was involved in a number of peace and justice efforts including being the Director of Clergy and Laity Concerned, a national interfaith organization that arose in opposition to the war in Vietnam. It was in this role that Dick was then primary organizer for Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous speech at Riverside Church in New York.