What Starts with Choice and Ends with Justice? – Rev. Rob Keithan

Sunday worship service at USG: This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States. While much has changed in 40 years, disagreements about contraception, abortion, and sexuality overall are still hotly contest in culture and politics. What’s going to move us forward, and what’s religion got to do with it?

We welcome Rev. Rob Keithan back to our pulpit! Rev. Keithan is Director of Public Policy at the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. He was a Consulting Minister at USG during the 2011-2012 church year, and prior to that served as Director of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations Washington Office. He has trained hundreds of facilitators to lead the junior high and high school portions of the Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality education curriculum. He is a member and affiliated minister of All Souls Church Unitarian and lives in Washington, DC.