Letters in Wartime: History is Us! Elaine Hills

This September is the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam (aka, Sharpsburg). William Jonathan Reichard was a 20 year old private in Mr. Lincoln’s army during that battle, writing many letters home. Thinking about these letters, noting popular representations of this time, shows a remarkable, living legacy of UU principles in action, which can buoy us today, during the current polarization of our culture. How can we better comprehend our past, and live our future? How can our USG community help us define our present social goals?

Elaine Hills has been a member since 1985. She has been a member of the RE Committee, taught Sunday School and Women’s Spirituality classes, and gave an earlier sermon based on her Great Grandfather’s Civil War letters in 1990, following her Chairing of the Worship Arts Committee. She married at USG, brought up her daughter here, and organizes the December poinsettia display. She is currently active on the Membership Committee, helping to maintain the Member Directory.